Tips for packing and moving with children

Getting your children involved with the big move

Moving to a new home can be both exciting and stressful, especially when you have children. Kids may feel anxious and worried about leaving their familiar surroundings and friends behind, which can make the moving process more challenging. However, using plastic moving boxes can make the task of packing and moving easier and more efficient. In this blog, we'll provide tips for moving with children using plastic moving boxes.

  1. Involve your children in the packing process.

    One way to help your children feel more comfortable about moving is to involve them in the packing process. Let them help you pack their own belongings, such as toys and clothes, into plastic moving boxes. This will give them a sense of control and ownership over the process and help them feel more invested in the move.

  2. Label boxes with pictures and colors.

    Younger children may not be able to read yet, so labeling boxes with pictures and colors can be helpful. For example, you could use a green label for boxes containing toys, a red label for boxes with kitchen items, and so on. You can also take pictures of the items inside each box and stick them on the outside, so your children know what's inside.

  3. Pack an "essentials" box for each child.

    Moving day can be chaotic, so it's important to have an "essentials" box for each child. This should include their favorite toys, books, and other items they may need during the first few days in the new home. Make sure these boxes are easily accessible, so your children can find what they need without having to dig through other boxes.

  4. Use plastic moving boxes with handles.

    Plastic moving boxes with handles are much easier to carry than cardboard boxes, especially for children. Make sure to choose boxes that are the appropriate size and weight for your children, so they can help carry their own belongings.

  5. Pack a separate box for sentimental items.

    Children may have sentimental items that they want to keep with them during the move, such as stuffed animals, blankets, or special keepsakes. Pack a separate box for these items and keep it with you during the move, so your children know they are safe and secure.

  6. Talk to your children about the move.

    It's important to talk to your children about the move and answer any questions they may have. Let them know what to expect, such as when you'll be moving, where you'll be moving to, and what their new home will be like. This can help alleviate any anxiety or fears they may have about the move.

  7. Take breaks and have fun.

    Moving can be stressful, so it's important to take breaks and have fun with your children. Take breaks from packing to play games or go on walks together. This can help relieve stress and anxiety and make the moving process more enjoyable for everyone.

  8. Tell them about Tarra, the Elephant.

    If you are using plastic boxes from Elephant Trunk Moving Supplies, tell them about the story of our favorite adopted elephant, Tarra, from The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee.



Moving with children can be challenging, but using plastic moving boxes can make the process easier and more efficient. By involving your children in the packing process, labeling boxes with pictures and colors, packing "essentials" boxes, and talking to your children about the move, you can help alleviate any anxiety or fears they may have about the move. Remember to take breaks and have fun along the way, and before you know it, you'll be settled into your new home with your happy and contented children.


Elephant Trunk Moving Supplies is a family-owned business and we love making our Dallas families’ move hassle-free. We have been delivering on our mission since 2016 “Elephant Trunk Moving Supplies aims to make the moving process less stressful and more environmentally conscientious with rentable moving supplies.”


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